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  • Saúl Ibarra Corretgé's avatar
    release: stable-6433 · 73c1db5f
    Saúl Ibarra Corretgé authored
    * 487bcca4 jvb: try to use the correct IP as the default server ID
    * 9e982fe9 examples: move to jitsi-contrib
    * 192a6233 jvb: add ability to configure the shutdown API
    * 5dcf7b48 compose: changed REACTIONS env variable name in docker-compose file
    * d94f4b6e jvb: remove unneeded alias
    * 7cd71a26 jibri: default to recording in 720p
    * bee4b6a1 jibri: use new configuration file
    * 76a16a8b jvb: use modern config for ice4j
    * 18ac85b6 jibri: allow graceful shutdown of the container
    * 3c19ed67 jibri: uppdate Chrome to version 94
    * b858b37a base-java: update to Java 11
    * 2061b869 misc: enable features by default
    * 343062bf misc: fix/ improve shebang compatibility
    * ff8c1c2e web: regenerate interface_config.js on every boot
    * bda15022 prosody: simplify code
    * cfd8d3c0 web: add config options for polls and reactions
    * 537fcd53 misc: add support for sentry logging
    * be1da0e2 misc: cleanup Dockerfiles
    * 09cf0a89 web: add env variables for configuring vp9
    * 3df32d9a web: persist crontabs for letsencrypt
    * f748484d jicofo: add enable-auto-login config option
    * 96419ba1 web: remove no longer needed code
    * 1835d651 web: recreate interface_config.js on container restart
    * b555d41a jicofo: fix boolean values in configuration file
    * 6be198ce misc: remove quotation marks from TURN configuration (#1111)
    * 407a98dd misc: working on latest
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