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Commit 140c5f22 authored by Saúl Ibarra Corretgé's avatar Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Browse files

release: stable-5765

* 9bc262a4 prosody: fix building unstable images
* 0cbe0d98 web: add a env variable to enable/disable deep linking
* b22421b1 misc: publish nightly unstable images
* 78699fe6 web: allow to configure shard name using env variable
* a6853ef5 jvb: add octo configuration options
* d6fac8e0 jicofo: disable octo by default
* 1fa50485 doc: add link to Kubernetes setup
* e1cebcc2 web,jvb: add ability to disable web sockets for colibri
* 6c4dce16 jicofo: fix ENABLE_SCTP type
* 953a4d24 jicofo: use a client proxy connection
* d27336be web: always try to renew cert on container boot
* 73acbade web: remove deprecated config option
* cb4d9413 web: removed duplicate host headers
* ec570bae k8s: fix PodSecurityPolicy
* c4fc3d37 web: make a custom interface config possible
* b45b5059 web: always install when container starts
* 94ca16d6 etherpad: remove quotes from all env vars
* c89ccc97 jicofo: reintroduce shibboleth auth
* a6486b45 examples: update traefik v2 example
* f4ec0232 misc: working on latest
parent 9bc262a4
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