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Commit 77aafe05 authored by Saúl Ibarra Corretgé's avatar Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Browse files

release: stable-5142

* 7ab45bbb web: add ability to configure prejoin page
* 0c957941 jvb: regenerate config on every boot
* 3ef22215 jvb: add ability to set the WS domain with an env var
* 79d2601c jvb: add ability to specify set the WS_SERVER_ID with an env var
* b2779263 jvb: make colibri websocket endpoints dynamic for multiple jvbs
* 991f6952 web: remove no longer needed settings
* 8b7cbc3f revert "jicofo: no auth URL in JWT auth mode"
* 33b386ba jvb: add missing variable to docker-compose
* 087f024f web: configure brandingDataUrl with env variables
* a4046531 web: configure startAudioOnly using environment variable
* e195cbf2 jvb: make jvb apis available from outside the container
* 409cade8 web: configure Matomo using environment variables
* b731c603 doc: update CHANGELOG
* 0fbf3b74 misc: working on latest
parent 7ab45bbb
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