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Commit b524acb3 authored by Saúl Ibarra Corretgé's avatar Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Browse files

release: stable-5076

* 5ceaf5fd web: add IPv6 support
* aff3775e xmpp: allow recorders to bypass lobby
* ad5625bb jvb: switch to WebSocket based bridge channels
* 81103362 web: add ability to configure the nginx resolver
* 2f47518f jicofo: no auth URL in JWT auth mode
* c1494638 web: build config.js on each boot
* c792bbc3 base: update frep
* bec928c3 prosody: configure lobby on the guest domain is necessary
* bcbd9775 jicofo: pass XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN through docker-compose.yml
* 8f9caa47 jicofo: set XMPP_MUC_COMPONENT_PREFIX
* 2a0120de web: set security headers also for non HTTPS
* e6586f2a jvb: set LOCAL_ADDRESS to the correct local IP (#630)
* 97f5e752 base: optimize size
* b78c89e6 misc: minor Dockerfile Improvements
* a7545193 misc: working on latest
parent 5ceaf5fd
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