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Commit b8c6e65a authored by Saúl Ibarra Corretgé's avatar Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Browse files

release: stable-7001

* 6e0dd04d base: replace frep with tpl
* 1b51c777 feat: Enables polls for breakout rooms.
* 0b019ee4 feat: Enables tenants/subdomains by default.
* d50df676 fix: Fixes missing variable for prosody plugins.
* 88997f58 prosody: authentication by matrix user authentication service
* 7a939785 jvb: remove TCP support
* c37706c8 misc: fix label order in  dockerfiles
* 0de062ba misc: add missing quotes to labels in dockerfiles
* 76424fda chore: add opencontainers labels to Dockerfiles
* 3b8ed7ed misc: working on latest
parent 6e0dd04d
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