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Commit 275f29d9 authored by Memphis's avatar Memphis Committed by codewalker
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[aml/ge2d]- fix race condition in ge2d_wq.

1. thread 1 is here
2. thread 2 is here
3. thread 2 is running and enters the if condition because state is GE2D_STATE_RUNNING
4. thread 2 gets interrupted by thread 1 thread 1 jumps over the if and sets GE2D_STATE_IDLE and is done
5. back to thread 2 which now sets state GE2D_STATE_REMOVING_WQ and calls wait_for_completion
6. thread2 will never return because thread 1 is done already and won't signal the event

destroy_ge2d_work_queue is called from in my use case and will block there forever - and basically blocks down to the read in the userspace which tries to read the current captured frame

Change-Id: I02afaab090357af88bfbfcb0f9ff6a8d81542109
parent 9e9be708
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