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Commit 28423ad2 authored by Calvin Owens's avatar Calvin Owens Committed by Paul E. McKenney
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ksoftirqd: Enable IRQs and call cond_resched() before poking RCU

While debugging an issue with excessive softirq usage, I encountered the
following note in commit 3e339b5d

 ("softirq: Use hotplug thread

    [ paulmck: Call rcu_note_context_switch() with interrupts enabled. ]

...but despite this note, the patch still calls RCU with IRQs disabled.

This seemingly innocuous change caused a significant regression in softirq
CPU usage on the sending side of a large TCP transfer (~1 GB/s): when
introducing 0.01% packet loss, the softirq usage would jump to around 25%,
spiking as high as 50%. Before the change, the usage would never exceed 5%.

Moving the call to rcu_note_context_switch() after the cond_sched() call,
as it was originally before the hotplug patch, completely eliminated this

Signed-off-by: default avatarCalvin Owens <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul E. McKenney <>
parent 5a43b88e
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