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  • Paul Donald's avatar
    luci-mod-network: add DHCPv6 NTP server config helper to interfaces · 72350723
    Paul Donald authored
    Appears under DHCPv6-service when set to 'server' or 'hybrid'.
    Option 'ntp' is serviced by odhcpd. It sends a DHCPv6 NTP Server option
    56 for each 'ntp' list entry.
    Once uci loads the system section, it provides suggestion presets of
    system configured upstream NTP servers, and the LAN IP(v6) of the router
    which are then statically configured by the user.
    It would make more sense if odhcpd fetches them directly.
    Alas, it does not (yet).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Donald <>