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Unverified Commit fa80fefe authored by Dirk Brenken's avatar Dirk Brenken
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banip: release 0.9.5-1

* added a DDoS protection rules in a new pre-routing chain to prevent common ICMP, UDP and SYN flood attacks and drop spoofed tcp flags & invalid conntrack packets, flood tresholds are configured via 'ban_icmplimit' (default 10/s), 'ban_synlimit' (default 10/s) and 'ban_udplimit' (default 100/s)
* the new pre-routing rules are tracked via named nft counters and are part of the standard reporting, set 'ban_logprerouting' accordingly
* block countries dynamically by Regional Internet Registry (RIR)/regions, e.g. all countries related to ARIN. Supported service regions are: AFRINIC, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE, set 'ban_region' accordingly
* it's now possible to always allow certain protocols/destination ports in wan-input and wan-forward chains, set 'ban_allowflag' accordingly - e.g. ' tcp 80 443-445'
* filter/convert possible windows line endings of external feeds during processing
* the cpu core autodetection is now limited to max. 16 cores in parallel, set 'ban_cores' manually to overrule this limitation
* set the default nft priority to -100 for banIP input/forward chains (pre-routing is set to -150)
* update readme
* a couple of bugfixes & performance improvements
* removed abandoned feeds: darklist, ipblackhole
* added new feeds: becyber, ipsum, pallebone, debl (changed URL)
* requires a LuCI frontend update as well (separate PR/commit)

Signed-off-by: default avatarDirk Brenken <>
parent a9ae9bad
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