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A monitoring solution for Docker hosts and containers with [Prometheus](, [Grafana](, [cAdvisor](, 
[NodeExporter]( and alerting with [AlertManager](

## Install

Clone this repository on your Docker host, cd into dockprom directory and run compose up:
git clone
cd dockprom

ADMIN_USER=admin ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin docker-compose up -d
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* Docker Engine >= 1.13
* Docker Compose >= 1.11


* Prometheus (metrics database) `http://<host-ip>:9090`
* AlertManager (alerts management) `http://<host-ip>:9093`
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* Grafana (visualize metrics) `http://<host-ip>:3000`
* NodeExporter (host metrics collector)
* cAdvisor (containers metrics collector)
* Caddy (reverse proxy and basic auth provider for prometheus and alertmanager) 

## Setup Grafana

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Navigate to `http://<host-ip>:3000` and login with user ***admin*** password ***admin***. You can change the credentials in the compose file or by supplying the `ADMIN_USER` and `ADMIN_PASSWORD` environment variables on compose up.
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From the Grafana menu, choose ***Data Sources*** and click on ***Add Data Source***. 
Use the following values to add the Prometheus container as data source:

* Name: Prometheus
* Type: Prometheus
* Url: http://prometheus:9090
* Access: proxy

Save and close this window.

One by one, import all 4 dashboard templates from the [grafana]( directory. 
From the Grafana menu, choose ***Dashboards*** and click on ***Import***. Do this for all 4 dashboards.
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***Docker Host Dashboard***
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The Docker Host Dashboard shows key metrics for monitoring the resource usage of your server:

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* Server uptime, CPU idle percent, number of CPU cores, available memory, swap and storage
* System load average graph, running and blocked by IO processes graph, interrupts graph
* CPU usage graph by mode (guest, idle, iowait, irq, nice, softirq, steal, system, user)
* Memory usage graph by distribution (used, free, buffers, cached)
* IO usage graph (read Bps, read Bps and IO time)
* Network usage graph by device (inbound Bps, Outbound Bps)
* Swap usage and activity graphs

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***Docker Containers Dashboard***

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The Docker Containers Dashboard shows key metrics for monitoring running containers:
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* Total containers CPU load, memory and storage usage
* Running containers graph, system load graph, IO usage graph
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* Container CPU usage graph
* Container memory usage graph
* Container cached memory usage graph
* Container network inbound usage graph
* Container network outbound usage graph
Note that this dashboard doesn't show the containers that are part of the monitoring stack.
***Monitor Services Dashboard***

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![Monitor Services](
The Monitor Services Dashboard shows key metrics for monitoring the containers that make up the monitoring stack:

* Prometheus container uptime, monitoring stack total memory usage, Prometheus local storage memory chunks and series
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* Container CPU usage graph
* Container memory usage graph
* Prometheus chunks to persist and persistence urgency graphs
* Prometheus chunks ops and checkpoint duration graphs
* Prometheus samples ingested rate, target scrapes and scrape duration graphs
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* Prometheus HTTP requests graph
* Prometheus alerts graph
I've set the Prometheus retention period to 200h and the heap size to 1GB, you can change these values in the compose file.

    image: prom/prometheus
      - ''
      - '-storage.local.retention=200h'

Make sure you set the heap size to a maximum of 50% of the total physical memory. 
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I've setup three alerts configuration files:

* Monitoring services alerts [targets.rules](
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* Docker Host alerts [host.rules](
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* Docker Containers alerts [containers.rules](
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You can modify the alert rules and reload them by making a HTTP POST call to Prometheus:

curl -X POST http://admin:admin@<host-ip>:9090/-/reload
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***Monitoring services alerts***

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Trigger an alert if any of the monitoring targets (node-exporter and cAdvisor) are down for more than 30 seconds:

ALERT monitor_service_down
  IF up == 0
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "critical" }
      summary = "Monitor service non-operational",
      description = "{{ $labels.instance }} service is down.",
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Trigger an alert if the Docker host CPU is under hight load for more than 30 seconds:

ALERT high_cpu_load
  IF node_load1 > 1.5
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "warning" }
      summary = "Server under high load",
      description = "Docker host is under high load, the avg load 1m is at {{ $value}}. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}.",

Modify the load threshold based on your CPU cores.

Trigger an alert if the Docker host memory is almost full:

ALERT high_memory_load
  IF (sum(node_memory_MemTotal) - sum(node_memory_MemFree + node_memory_Buffers + node_memory_Cached) ) / sum(node_memory_MemTotal) * 100 > 85
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "warning" }
      summary = "Server memory is almost full",
      description = "Docker host memory usage is {{ humanize $value}}%. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}.",

Trigger an alert if the Docker host storage is almost full:

ALERT hight_storage_load
  IF (node_filesystem_size{fstype="aufs"} - node_filesystem_free{fstype="aufs"}) / node_filesystem_size{fstype="aufs"}  * 100 > 85
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "warning" }
      summary = "Server storage is almost full",
      description = "Docker host storage usage is {{ humanize $value}}%. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}.",

***Docker Containers alerts***

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Trigger an alert if a container is down for more than 30 seconds:

ALERT jenkins_down
  IF absent(container_memory_usage_bytes{name="jenkins"})
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "critical" }
    summary= "Jenkins down",
    description= "Jenkins container is down for more than 30 seconds."

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Trigger an alert if a container is using more than 10% of total CPU cores for more than 30 seconds:

 ALERT jenkins_high_cpu
  IF sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{name="jenkins"}[1m])) / count(node_cpu{mode="system"}) * 100 > 10
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "warning" }
    summary= "Jenkins high CPU usage",
    description= "Jenkins CPU usage is {{ humanize $value}}%."

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Trigger an alert if a container is using more than 1,2GB of RAM for more than 30 seconds:

ALERT jenkins_high_memory
  IF sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{name="jenkins"}) > 1200000000
  FOR 30s
  LABELS { severity = "warning" }
      summary = "Jenkins high memory usage",
      description = "Jenkins memory consumption is at {{ humanize $value}}.",

## Setup alerting

The AlertManager service is responsible for handling alerts sent by Prometheus server. 
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AlertManager can send notifications via email, Pushover, Slack, HipChat or any other system that exposes a webhook interface. 
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A complete list of integrations can be found [here](

You can view and silence notifications by accessing `http://<host-ip>:9093`.

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The notification receivers can be configured in [alertmanager/config.yml]( file.

To receive alerts via Slack you need to make a custom integration by choose ***incoming web hooks*** in your Slack team app page. 
You can find more details on setting up Slack integration [here](

Copy the Slack Webhook URL into the ***api_url*** field and specify a Slack ***channel***.

    receiver: 'slack'

    - name: 'slack'
          - send_resolved: true
            text: "{{ .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
            username: 'Prometheus'
            channel: '#<channel>'
            api_url: '<webhook-id>'
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![Slack Notifications](